Thursday, July 16, 2009


Here we go again.

PLDT never fails to piss me off.

Every year, our DSL f*cks up. It lasts for like a week but sometimes for two months! We pay our bill regularly but PLDT (I think) intentionally cuts our connection.


Because our connection dies every 6pm and will not return until 7am. I have a feeling that they are sharing our line to other subscribers. And when you call their customer service, the CSR just gives me crap like I don't know what he/she was talking about. HAHA.

Here are some lame lines that I hear from them:
1. Did you pay your monthly bill?
2. Our lines freeze because it is cold.
3. We are undergoing a maintenance.
4. Your line must be static.
5. Is your modem turned on? (DUH!)
6. Do you have a dial tone? (Yea cause I'm talking to you!)
7. The lines are screwed because of the rain.

Oh well PLDT, I think it's time for us to report you NTC again like what we did two years ago.

Mind you, after sending the letter to NTC, we immediately got our connection back in less than 24 hours.

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