Friday, August 7, 2009

Crazy Little Children

Since I started teaching more than a year ago, this was the first time that I walked-out of my class.

This particular batch is infamous for their rowdy attitude and I am not the only teacher complaining about them.

I got inside the room at 1:00 pm, checked the attendance and starting writing my lecture on the board. I can hear people talking and phones beeping. I tried to stay cool and focused on what I was doing. Then come the discussion, a lot of them still were chatting with their friends who were seated in front or behind them. Whispering is kinda ok but their voice was as loud, or louder than mine. I am still recovering from my cough and I lost my voice last Monday.

I called their attention for the first time.

Discussion continued but their talking went on again. I looked down and moved my head to show that I am disappointed, then I went out of the room. After a minute, I went back in and asked them if they were ready to listen to what I was saying.

But while I was speaking in front of the class, some of them continued discussing topics of their own. So without saying anything, I picked my things and went out of the room for the second time and headed back to the faculty room.


I really am sorry for those students who wanted to listen and learn. But I can't stand their classmates' uncivilized attitudes.

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