Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Nikon D40

Weee! Last week, I finally bought my very first DSLR. I've been wanting this camera for a very long time. Haha

I asked my mom and dad to accompany me because I heard that camera supplies are very cheap in Hidalgo, Quiapo. I've never been there so might as well ask someone who is familiar with the place.

We arrived at Quiapo and walked for like 15 minutes to reach Hidalgo St. But all camera shops were still closed at 9am so we decided to hear mass at Quiapo Church. It was also my first time to enter the famous Philippine Church so it was a very nice experience.

After the mass, we returned to Hidalgo and found a number of shops already open. We asked for the price and finally decided to buy at 24K Photo Inc.

I really know nothing about photography and whatnot. My only knowlegde came from watching videos on YouTube and reading online tutorials. Haha. Anyways, like what they always say... Keep shooting!


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