Well let's see.
What is the definition of OCD?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an illness that causes people to have unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and to repeat certain behaviors (compulsions) over and over again. We all have habits and routines in our daily lives, such as brushing our teeth before bed. However, for people with OCD, patterns of behavior get in the way of their daily lives.
Most people with OCD know that their obsessions and compulsions make no sense, but they can't ignore or stop them.
Hmm.. Moving on.
What are obsessions?
Obsessions are ideas, images and impulses that run through the person's mind over and over again. A person with OCD doesn't want to have these thoughts and finds them disturbing, but he or she can't control them. Sometimes these thoughts just come once in a while and are only mildly annoying. Other times, a person who has OCD will have obsessive thoughts all the time.
What are compulsions?
Obsessive thoughts make people who have OCD feel nervous and afraid. They try to get rid of these feelings by performing certain behaviors according to "rules" that they make up for themselves. These behaviors are called compulsions. (Compulsive behaviors are sometimes also called rituals.) For example, a person who has OCD may have obsessive thoughts about germs. Because of these thoughts, the person may wash his or her hands repeatedly after using a public toilet. Performing these behaviors usually only makes the nervous feelings go away for a short time. When the fear and nervousness return, the person who has OCD repeats the routine all over again.
Here's a list of common obsessions and compulsions. Let's see if I'm guilty or not. haha
Obsessions and Compulsions:
1. Fear of dirt or germs
2. Disgust with bodily waste or fluids
3. Concern with order, symmetry (balance) and exactness
4. Worry that a task has been done poorly, even when the person knows this is not true
5. Fear of thinking evil or sinful thoughts
6. Thinking about certain sounds, images, words or numbers all the time
7. Need for constant reassurance
8. Fear of harming a family member or friend
9. Anxious thoughts
10. Frequent thoughts of violence
11. Fear of causing harm
12. Unwelcome sexual thoughts
13. Fantasies
14. Inappropriate thoughts
15. Fear of becoming contaminated
16. Fear of being poisoned
17. Feelings of doubt
18. Magical thinking
19. Unusual patterns and rules
20. Sleep problems
21. Need for certainty
22. Perfectionism
23. Slowness and tardiness
24. Depression or withdrawal
I'm guilty with numbers 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,11,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,24.
I'll try to discuss each item.
1. Fear of dirt or germs.
-I have this habit of washing my hands everytime before using my Mac. When I feel that I have some dirt or anything on my hands, I usually rush to the sink. haha. I also carry with me a hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial lotions.
2. Disgust with bodily waste of fluids.
- Okay this applies to public restrooms only. Before I use the toilet or urinal, I always flush the water even though nothing's in it. haha.
3. Concern with order, symmetry, and exactness.
- I always see to it that all objects on my desk are arranged and are located in their proper places. (Eg. mouse, laptop, remote controls, papers, lamp, speakers, etc.)
4. Worry that a task has been done poorly.
- I dunno, everytime I do something for school or something else, I always think that I haven't done my best and thinks of all the possible mistakes that I've done. haha.
6. Thinking about certain sounds, images, words, or numbers all the time.
- Sounds: yes. Images: yes. I always think that someone's knocking at the door or walking outside my room.
7. Need for constant reassurance.
- I want to be always reassured that this and that are right or correct or I'm this or that before I could sleep soundly. Common questions: Do I look good? I feel hot, do I have a fever? Are you sure this is right?
8. Fear of harming a family member or a friend.
- I always think of the words before I open my mouth especially in front of the people who are close to me. Then when I feel like I've said something bad, I usually get depressed and think of it for days.
9. Anxious thoughts.
- Usually I experience this when I would buy something. I always worry if there are stocks left, if the clothes fits me, etc. Also in school before when taking exams or reporting in class. haha
11. Fear of causing harm.
- Just like no. 8
14. Inappropriate thoughts.
- With this mind like mine? yea. If you know me personally, I can't elaborate more. lol
16. Fear of being poisoned.
- Yeah. Usually when I eat in places that I'm not comfortable with.
17. Feelings of doubt.
- Always.
18. Magical Thinking.
- haha. Like fairies, wizards, witches, angels, good and bad luck, superstitions and stuff? YEA. lol
19. Unusual Patterns and rules.
- Yea. I have my own way of sitting, touching things, arranging my food, etc. And I also check the doors if they are locked, look at my nose and eyes, touch my pendant and watch, touch my cellphones and look if there's a text message even though I knew that there is none, wiping the surface and screen of my laptop when I see a tiny lint or dust. A lot of things actually. haha.
20. Sleep problems.
- Yes. I can't sleep if I don't have my body pillow, if there's no light (lamp), the TV is turned off, the TV's volume is too low or too loud, if I'm not lying on my side, if I'm not under my comforter, if there's no air conditioning and electric fan. haha.
21. Need for certainty.
- My mind doesn't stop thinking or worrying about something until I know that something is certain. Common questions: Did I lock the door? What's for breakfast/lunch/dinner? When will my order arrive? Did I set my alarms correctly?
22. Perfectionism.
- I usually do things over and over again. I like that all the things I do is 99% perfect. (According of course to my personal standards.)
23. Slowness and tardiness.
- I spend a lot of time in the bathroom, mirror, and getting dressed. haha
24. Depression or withdrawal.
- I do get depressed easily. Signs: sadness, tension, loss of appetite, mood swings, sleeping problems.
Haha. I confess... I'm OC... Really!