Sunday, February 1, 2009

Hell Week.

Since I started teaching, I've never experienced cramming everyday and making lectures for next day's class.


This term, I am teaching subjects that I have never taught before: Operating System, Program Logic Formulation, and Data Structures and Algorithms. Every night, I read 4-5 books just to refresh my mind with the topics and lectures that I have learned like 2 years ago. I have a fear of not knowing even the smallest detail of my lecture for the day. Sometimes it happens when a student asks me about something related to the topic. Of course, as a teacher, you cannot just tell the student that you do not know what he's talking about. That's why I see to it that I have an answer to every question raised by them.

When I get home, I oftentimes recall what happened in all of my classes. I rate my performance for the day. I wonder if I have delivered the topic well and if they understood all the things I said. Based from that, I try my best to change and improve so that I can become a better teacher and at the same time, not get bored with what I do.

From now on, I must organize my lessons and make plans for each week.

I have learned my lesson.



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