Saturday, July 5, 2008

And it continues...

So I just got back home... I went out with my family today. We did a little shopping and watched a movie. I was actually having second thoughts about going out as I have a lot of things to do. I've asked my mom two days earlier if we could go out today. She agreed so I didn't want to spoil out our plans. And heck I need to relax my body and mind.

I was hoping that this would make me free all the thoughts going on in my mind. It is hard to focus on doing one thing when my mind is traveling somewhere in the past. Or let's say that my past isn't that significant to me anymore. But it is the effect... the result from what happened in that past that is killing me. 

Every little thing that's happening to me is being magnified. That little thing has a very big effect on me.

I'm having a hard time talking to people, my students, even my family and close friends. It's hard to laugh and show that world that I'm okay though I'm not. sigh.

I have no idea what's gotten into me. I'm not sure if I'm really making any sense. But... sigh.

I'm just depressed. And I don't know why...


1 comment:

Hell's Quookie said...

interesting, not like sarastically-I'm-going-to-laugh-at-it funny, but i-want-to-see-where-your-mind-takes-you funny.