Sunday, March 9, 2008

Online Shopping

I love the internet... I love online shopping... I love my parent's credit card! hahaha.

Ok let me remember... I think my very first online purchase was last 2004. I bought two concert DVDs with a total of $120 plus s&h and customs fee. At first I was very afraid because of the identify theft issues and stuffs like the items might not arrive, might be damaged, etc. After two days of thinking, I finally clicked the "Confirm" button. The shipping method I selected was the expedited international shipping so my items should arrive within 4-7 days. On the fourth day, I got a call from the courier saying that i got a package waiting to be delivered but i have to pay the customs and duties fee before they ship the item to me. I said "yes ok, please deliver me the package now". Whew... that was easy. haha.

All my fears about the package getting lost etc. kinda vanished a little. So once again, i ordered a CD/DVD. This time, after knowing the cost of the expedited method, i opted for the international priority mail witch takes 14-20 days to arrive. Well it's cheaper, i can wait a couple of weeks. haha.

After that, ordering online became a habit for me. Before, I only order items which are not locally available and the only chance to get it was from online stores. But now, I order stuffs when I'm feeling lazy.. haha. And items that are sold cheaper online compared from the local market.

I got accessories for my babies (gadgets), books, CDs, DVDs, planners, softwares, clothes, sheet music, etc. I also purchase presents for persons close to me.

Now, I'm kinda addicted to eBay. lol. I spend most of my time searching for cheap items that I can use or collect.

Currently, I'm waiting for an item I purchased yesterday to arrive.. haha

Thanks to my mom and dad for letting me borrow and use their credit cards. I'm gonna be grateful forever. And thank you to PayPal for making my life easier. lol


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